
“ Sky Blue Kimono “

One day, the woman received a wedding invitation from her cousin’s daughter. She and her cousin grew up like sisters.

As the woman doesn’t have family and work, and lives alone and quietly in the suburb, she hesitated to go to such festive occasion.

Since the woman knew her cousin was divorced, and she raised her daughter by herself, she wants to congratulate her cousin’s daughter from the bottom of her heart.

Although feeling a little hesitant, she still decided to attend.

As the day gets closer, she regretted responding that she would attend. It is customary in Japan for the guests to give monetary gifts to the married couple when they are attending wedding ceremonies. Having no work and just living a simple life, this custom has been the main cause of hesitancy, and it would certainly force her to borrow money she needs from friend or family. Another reason is that she doesn’t have any decent clothes to wear. The time passed by without her having any preparation for the wedding ceremony.

The day of wedding ceremony was coming very soon, the woman remembered her mother's sky blue kimono which she used to wear in the entrance and graduation ceremony. The woman took out her mother’s sky blue kimono out of the closet and checked it. Even though it was old, it was still beautiful enough to put it on for festive occasions. When she tried it on, she thought she looked like her beautiful mother. Suddenly she got excited and forgot to congratulate her cousin’s daughter.

Yet in an instant, she felt another emotion sweeping in with a man's figure which began to occupy her heart.

From then on, she booked a professional stylist to manage her hair and help her with the kimono. She has raised money from monetary gifts.

In the morning before the wedding ceremony, the woman had her hair set beautifully to be fit into her mother's sky blue kimono. After wearing the kimono on, she put a bright rose lipstick which she rarely did.

The very common woman in usual became very attractive as if she were a different person.

The woman was very sorry to her cousin's daughter because she hadn't paid any attention to the wedding since the woman tried to wear the sky blue kimono. The wedding ceremony was very nice and heartful but her heart was full of a man's figure.

After the wedding, she called a taxi and told the address which was not her but the man's.

She realized, "The time has come."

After getting off the taxi, she walked fast to the man's house while paying attention not to ruin the perfect appearance kimono. The woman wanted the man to look at her while wearing her mother's sky blue kimono and decided to confess.

“ I love you. “

                                                                The End

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