Recently I got addicted in crocheting more
than before, and because of that, I sat for long time in same posture while
busy doing my craft. As a result, I was suffering from stiff muscles in my shoulders,
neck and lower part of back. The bad physical condition made my mind depressed.
I attended Iyengar yoga class yesterday. Before going there, I was lacking motivation, but as I was practicing yoga, soon it remove the bad feeling. For example, when I practiced Adho Mukha Svanasana (down dog pose), which is a famous yoga pose, I felt my back, low back and back part of my legs were stretched. This pose improved my stiff body completely. Whenever I practice Iyengar yoga, I feel my inner muscles stretched. That makes me comfortable and relaxed. My mind always gets calm and peaceful after the lessons. Of course, my depressed feeling before the class disappeared at that time.
I realized that it is necessary for my mental and physical health to practice Iyengar yoga. I want to continue it for my body and mind from now on.
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