
An Old Ginkgo Tree which saved the Temple from the Fire

There is a big old ginkgo tree in Nishi Hongan-ji temple which is one of the world heritage sites. The tree is about 400 years old now. It also has a famous folklore which said that it saved the Goeido building from the great fire in 1788.

Nishi Honganji temple suffered from the fire in 1788. It is said that when the fire went close to the Goeido building, this ginkgo tree blew a lot of water on the fire to protect the building. Big thanks to this ginkgo tree, Goeido building escaped from the fire. This story became a famous folklore today.

Now we can see the famous ginkgo tree which save the temple. It is a big and a very beautiful tree. We can also enjoy its fresh leaves that turns into green every month of May and turns into yellow when November comes. This tree became a natural treasure in Kyoto city.






Self- acceptance Makes People Grow

When people already receive their good points, they can probably accept their bad points. By receiving both of that, it will help them grow.

I notice that through the session, that can bring out the hidden good points. One of my friends had my session and I found out her good points and she has a lot of it.

1)She has a lot of intellectual curiosity.
2)She is active.
3)She carries out her plan steadily.
4)She enjoys her life.

She looked happy to hear my analyzation. I asked her to write her feeling and awareness after listening to my analysis.

After writing, she realized that her active character is one of her good points but she is worried that she is sometime hyper. She works hard but she can’t have good result. Sometimes she causes troubles. She is thinking about reason why and I think it is very important to have time to introspect her own mind.

She is thinking how to improve her problem and she found a way to solve her problem.

1)Try to think a lot before taking action.
2)Think not shallowly but deeply.
3)Think her future direction.

When you pointed out bad points to people, they sometimes feel bad. So they can’t think of the things that will help them to improve their bad points. It is very important to notice their bad points by themselves and accept them. Others can only help them to improve their bad points but it is more important to improve them voluntarily.

Acceptance good points and bad points makes people grow.